In 2015, divers salvaged a remarkable sea monster figurehead from the wreck of the Gribshunden, a Danish warship that sank in 1495 off the coast of Sweden in the Baltic Sea. The Gribshunden remains one of the best-preserved wrecks of its kind from the 15th century.

The figurehead, believed to depict a fantastical sea dragon grasping a helpless human in its jaws, was originally mounted atop the Gribshunden. Its recovery sheds light on the intricate craftsmanship and maritime history of the era.
Divers and historians are fascinated by the well-preserved condition of the figurehead, which provides a glimpse into the artistic and symbolic elements of naval vessels during the late medieval period.
The ongoing exploration and study of the Gribshunden wreck and its artifacts continue to offer valuable insights into maritime warfare, naval technology, and the cultural symbolism of the time.