Rite of Sema taouy or meeting of the 2 lands by Horus & Seth.

Check this out! There’s this amazing relief from the time of King Sesostri I, who ruled way back around 1961 to 1917 BCE.

Seth tantalizing Hieroglyph

It shows this cool ritual called the “Union of the Two Lands.” Basically, you’ve got Horus, the big guy in charge of the sky, wrapping up a papyrus stem that represents Lower Egypt, while Seth, the ruler of Upper Egypt, is binding a lily stem from his side.

Seth dynomax Hieroglyph

Together, they really sum up how Egypt came together under Sesostri I’s leadership. If you look up, you’ll see his royal name in a cartouche, which means he’s like a direct connection to the spirit of Ra—pretty powerful stuff!

File:Seth + horus.jpg - Wikipedia

This artwork is almost 4,000 years old and you can find it at the Cairo Museum. It really highlights how ancient Egyptians valued balance and unity in their culture.

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