At approximately 7,000 years old, Bi’r Hima in Saudi Arabia stands as an archaeological marvel filled with ancient rock art and inscriptions.

At approximately 7,000 years old, Bi’r Hima in Saudi Arabia stands as an archaeological marvel filled with ancient rock art and inscriptions.

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The carvings here showcase a variety of subjects, including camels, hunters, lions, and ibexes, offering a glimpse into a period when the desert was much more lush. Located along key trade routes, Bi’r Hima served as a waypoint for caravans transporting goods such as incense and spices throughout Arabia.

r/ArtefactPorn - a rock with a picture of an animal

The inscriptions, created in early scripts like Musnad and Aramaic-Nabatean, illustrate a cultural intersection influenced by South Arabian and Nabatean traditions.

ArchaeoHistories on X: "A camel petroglyph at the Bir Hima complex which  covers the time period of 2500–1000 BC; Najran province in southwest Saudi  Arabia. #archaeohistories" / X

Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site, Bi’r Hima tells the narratives of those who traversed these ancient routes, leaving an enduring legacy etched in stone.

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