Chаuchillа Cemetery neаr Nаzcа, Peru, рreserves mummіes аnd аrtifаcts of the Nаzcа сulture (200 AD–9th сentury), offerіng а glіmpse іnto аncient hіstory.

Chauchilla Cemetery is a cemetery that contains prehispanic mummified human remains and archeological artifacts, located 30 kilometres (19 mi) south of the city of Nazca in Peru The cemetery is ᴀssociated with the Nazca culture. The internments started c. 200 AD and continued until the 9th century. The forgotten cemetery was discovered in the 1920s. It had been plundered by grave robbers, but the remaining bodies have been preserved. A resin used in the funeral rites is thought to have protected the bodies from insects and bacteria.     The cemetery was used as a setting for the film Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The film depicted a fictional burial chamber connected to the cemetery. The cemetery was discovered in the 1920s,but had not been used since the 9th century AD. The cemetery includes many important burials over a period of 600 to 700 years. The start of the interments was in about 200 AD. It is important as a source of archaeology to the Nazca culture. The cemetery has been extensively plundered by huaqueros (grave robbers) who have left human bones and pottery scattered around the area.Similar local cemeteries have been damaged to a greater extent. The site has been protected by Peruvian law since 1997 and tourists pay 8 soles (PEN) to take the two-hour tour of this ancient necropolis.The site is by the Poroma riverbed and can be accessed via a dirt road from the Panamerican Highway. In 1997, the majority of the scattered bones and plundered pottery were restored to the tombs.

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