In the village of Staryi Tartas, Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia, archaeologists discovered about 600 graves. These graves were buried 3,500 years ago and date back to the Bronze Age.

During the excavation, the research team from the Insтιтute of Archaeology and Ethnography of Siberia, affiliated with the Russian Academy of Sciences, was surprised to discover many graves containing two skeletons.
In one grave there were also the skeletons of an adult and of a child.
Or the common grave is believed to be of parents and two children in one family.

In particular, many graves are the burial place of a man and a woman in a state of holding hands, turning towards each other or embracing each other.
According to experts’ hypothesis, this could be the burial place of the husband of the family. However, after the husband died, the wife was also killed and buried with her husband.
Professor Lev Klein, St Petersburg University, believes that the burial of these double graves may be related to spiritual issues or beliefs about reincarnation in other lives of people during this period.
Researchers say that by establishing the relationships between people buried in the same grave, they will understand the burial rituals of ancient people.