Established in 1835, the Egyptian Museum in Cairo houses the world’s largest collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts. Visit the museum in 1914.
Portrait statue of Queen Tiye, wife of AmenH๏τep III, the most powerful pharaoh in ancient Egyptian history, artifact of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo in 1914
Statue of Ranefer (or Ranofer), an Egyptian prince during the 4th Dynasty.
Statue of Ranefer in priestly attire.
The stele depicts Teti, the first pharaoh of the 6th Dynasty. His two sons are depicted next to him.
Stele of Prince Intef, who would become a pharaoh of the 17th Dynasty.
The door lintel bears the name Thutmosis I, third pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty.
Some religious objects from the time of Pharaoh Ramesses, 19th dynasty.
Wooden tablet engraved with ancient Egyptian script.
The sheep statue was found on Elephantine, an island on the Nile.
Gold-plated mask.
Antelope coffin and mummy.
The coffin dates to the 23rd Egyptian Dynasty.
The coffin dates to the 23rd Egyptian Dynasty.
Coffin painted with the image of Horus.
A coffin.