All about Mount Soffeh Isfahan

Soffeh Mountain is the name of a mountain in the southernmost part of Isfahan. This mountain is surrounded by the Isfahan Ring Road from the north, the vast lands through which the railway line pᴀssed from the south, residential complexes from the east, and the Takht-e Rostam Mountains from the west.

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The city of Isfahan is one of the most important tourist destinations in Iran with its monuments and monuments, natural attractions, and many handicrafts. The city welcomes many domestic and foreign tourists every year, who enjoy sightseeing, relaxing, and shopping in addition to visiting ancient monuments.

May be an image of the Western Wall

This is the reason why the recreational places, amusement parks, and shopping centers of this city are expanding day by day, despite the natural and historical attractions, the expansion of green areas on the slopes of the mountains and the creation of interesting entertainments, has become one of the tourist attractions of Isfahan.

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With enough facilities, this attraction attracts many tourists and makes them have a fun time. Soffeh Mountain with a wide view of the city of Isfahan is one of the most beautiful places in Isfahan at night. In this section of the Let’s Go Travel website, we intend to introduce you to the facilities and landmarks of Isfahan’s Soffeh Mountain, so stay with us.

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Ladies and gentlemen, this is the 1st paragraph of a 2500 -years -old trilingual cuneiform inscription of the Persian King Xerxes (486–465 BCE). It starts with praise of the Zoroastrian god Ahura Mazda and consists of 27 lines in old Persian, Elamite and Babylonian (pictures).
زیباترین جاهای دیدنی همدان
“A great god is Ahura Mazda, the greatest of the gods, who created this earth, who created yonder sky, who created man, created happiness for man, who made Xerxes king, one king of many, one lord of many. I (am) Xerxes, the great king, king of kings, king of all kinds of people, king on this earth far and wide…”


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