In Kazakhstan it is called Torysh, or Valley Of Balls (literally Valley of the Spheres): the name comes from the bizarre rock formations that nature has shaped in this region, at the northern end of the Karatau region, not far from the city of Shetpe.’
The area has numerous rounded rocks, scattered in a large area of steppe land, which vary in size, but most of them reach the considerable diameter of three to four metres.
It is α΄ssumed that these are concretions, i.e. compact mα΄sses formed by the sedimentation of minerals.
The phenomenon is not infrequent: other rocks of this kind can be observed in various places in the world.
The particularity of the spheres of this region, however, lies in their size, very rare and present only in a few cases, including the Moeraki Boulders in New Zealand.