In the world, there exist ancient structures belonging to different civilizations on two opposite sides of the hemisphere but have strangely similar architectural styles.
Richard Cᴀssaro , has researched and pointed out the similarities of architectural works of ancient Pre-Inca civilizations, Egypt . Two ancient civilizations that developed on opposite sides of the Earth’s hemisphere have quite similar ancient works.
Pyramids. The ancient Egyptian, Pre-Inca and Inca pyramids were all built in the desert along rivers and were located at key points in a straight line.
And how they transported the stones remains a mystery to this day.
The Egyptians, Pre-Incas, and Incas all built structures that sloped inward. These structures were earthquake resistant and have survived to this day.
The stones were so тιԍнтly packed together that it was impossible to fit a thin sheet of paper through the gaps.